Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Bitch, it's not a 4-letter word.

Fun Fact of the Day:
Bitches are IN FACT a man made creation. On occassion, one comes through the works that is all natural, but for the most part - they are created.

Everyone know's the saying, "Nice guys finish last". What I want to know is...what happens with nice girls? Do they even finish at all? Do they make it through the 'race' as the nice gals that they originally started as? I think that the most likely of the two is the latter.

It's strange how human emotions seem to cling to the things that are the worst for us. I've been told by countless men that all they want is a 'nice girl'. Yet, the girl that I see with the most worthwhile men seem to be some of the biggest cunts known to men. Needy girl, jealous girls, manipulative girls, gold diggers, cheaters...you name it, they get the man. Why is this? Is this due to the same perpetual force that causes girls to go for the 'bad boys'? Is it the mystery involved, or is it the constant games of cat and mouse? I have my theories, it's almost easy to assume how a man would react to someone that acts like they don't give a flying rats ass if they're around or not.

It's tempting to create an almost lab setting to see why the nastiest of women have all the luck in this game called love. I could easily have a few nights out with friends where I'm wearing the 'bitch hat', then have a few nights out where I'm myself. I wonder how many numbers each persona would collect throughout the nights. Keeping it fairly similar to the 'Do blondes REALLY have more fun?' tests where one would slightly change thier hair color to have a controlled view on how men react to certain looks and behavior.

Men are fun for something at least.

I know it probably sounds like a horrid idea to use men for a silly experiment like this, but like I said before - a bitch isn't born, she's created. After years of being told 'you have so much to offer, I don't deserve you', and the like...then seeing them pounce on the next catty piece of ass to pass him by...I'd say it's time to have a little fun on the other side of the fence. Why not give it a shot. They worst I have to lose is the number of a man that I don't even know.

How hard can it be to play 'bitch' for a few nights. It's just a matter of reversing my natural urges to accomodate and stay polite. If a guy offers to buy a drink, take it, then walk off. Usually I would either not accept, or at least hang around for a coversation or two, then politely excuse myself. If they are masochistic enough to keep attempting to get to know me...be about as distant as humanly possible.

I'll have to tweek the details a tad, but I think this could be interesting.

So what drove me to this point? Love. I find myself waking up every morning, reaching for someone that's not there. I don't know why it's my natural instinct to keep doing that, but he's just engrained in my mind...like a virus. I can't help but keep thinking that if I had been a bit more 'challenging' or hard to get...he'd still be here. It took him ages to get over his ex-fiance, yet she was about as horrible as a person can be by the stories that him and his roommate had mentioned when we were first dating. By all concepts, we were perfect for each other. Same interests, same personalities, same everything - we're kindred souls. Yet it failed. The spark was there, but circumstance tore us apart. Maybe if I hadn't been so accomdating, he would have had that extra urge to make it work. He's not coming back, in my head I've accepted this, but my heart seems to not want to give up.

So the easiest solution is to test the theory, so that I can finally prove to myself why I'm alone, still. Call my psychotic, but I just want a reason.


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